Postgraduates (PhD)
INTI International University (On-going)
Artificial breeding and molecular evolutionary studies of Melastoma
INTI International University (On-going)
DNA barcoding and pharmacological analysis of the Malay medicinal herbs
INTI International University (On-going)
Identification and characterization of the bacterial diversity in durian fruits
Postgraduates (Masters)
Yunnan Normal University (Graduated May 2022)
Comparative chloroplast genome analysis and phylogenetic study of Wikstroemia
INTI International University (On-going)
Characterisation of three Solanum species and the intraspecific relationship of S. lasiocarpum Dunal. germplasms based on the complete chloroplast genome
INTI International University (On-going)
Characterization of the plastid genome of Durio (Malvaceae) and new insights into phylogenetic relationships
INTI International University (On-going)
Isolation and characterisation of the stem grey blight causal agent in yellow dragon fruit Selenicereus megalanthus
INTI International University (On-going)
Screening and mechanism analysis of anti-inflammatory active ingredients from tropical medicinal plants
INTI International University (On-going)
Genomic evolutionary studies on the complete chloroplast genome of Artocarpus and Ficus deltoidea (Moraceae)
INTI International University (Jan-Jul 2022)
Deciphering the chloroplast genome of Durio oxleyanus through bioinformatics approaches
INTI International University (Jun-Dec 2022)
Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete plastid genome of Piper betle
INTI International University (Jun-Dec 2022)
Chemical profiling of heat-treated essential oil derived from Aquilaria malaccensis
INTI International University (Jan-July 2023)
Assembly, annotation, and analysis of the chloroplast genome sequence of the Borneon Olive tree, Canarium odontophyllum (Burseraceae)
INTI International University (Jan-July 2023)
Assembly and evolutionary study of the mitochondrial genome of the angel wing clam, Pholas orientalis (Pholadidae)
INTI International University (Aug 2024-May 2025)
Characterisation of the organellar genome of Orthosiphon aristatus (misai kucing) via bioinformatics approaches